a36c31363f1a5007179151c56e187114 August Traveling: Let's talk about the best and worst travel month of the year
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Let's talk about the best and worst travel month of the year

Let’s start with the most basic question on this topic. DO YOU TRAVEL FOR ENJOYMENT??? If the answer is No then this post might not be of interest to you. This is for the traveler, the person who couldn’t wait (I mean the 2nd they said you could travel after the initial announcement for covid) to go to the airport (one of my favorite parts of traveling...don’t judge me), get back on a plane, get a cab or shuttle, see your hotel for the first time and hope it is more beautiful than what you saw online, and check in, put the key in the door for you room and Voila, be in awe of your room and the view...oh the view.

So if this is not you please understand traveling is a vibe, a lifestyle in and of itself. You spend differently when you travel, definitely eat differently and boy oh boy do you dress differently. This is where you get to pull out those risque little numbers that you had nowhere to wear them to and go wild. You pack in a way so that every picture you take will look like not only is the trip fabulous but YOU are fabulous.

If you are an avid traveler, a guaranteed once a year (unless there is some major event going on in your life: wedding, funeral, buying a house...you get the point) or multiple times a year for the wealthy and truly dedicated to the life then you know exactly the best times of year to travel and where you need to be going during that time. To be honest most of us chase the sun but Colorado in the winter is also quite amazing.

Why did I ask about the best and worst month of the year to travel? Well because it is August. August is one of the hottest months on the East Coast of the US so why travel (since we are meant to be chasing the sun). It is hurricane season. Even NJ gets the tail end of a good hurricane. And for the parents you are about to get back on the Back to School bus of life.

It is also the cheapest time of the year to travel. You will find the absolute best deals on airfare and hotels. It is the least traveled for many of the reasons I mentioned above. So you are more likely to get the best rooms and best service as most businesses will not be swamped. Prices for excursions will also be less expensive. And even though it is about to be back to school (for your kids or college or if you are just taking classes to improve) this is the best way to end the summer, with an amazing Memory.

So now that I have explained the pros and cons of August traveling let’s talk about what really matters...THE FASHION. From what to wear to the airport to what to wear to the beach we are going to talk about it.


So first rule for dressing at the airport is comfort no matter what. You will be walking a lot and sitting a lot. So the clothes need to be flexible and preferably have stretch. Whether they are stretch jeans or sweat pants they must be able to move.

2nd rule of thumb is bring a jacket or sweater of some kind. Everyone knows they pump the AC in the airport BUT ESPECIALLY ON THE PLANE like it is always 150 degrees outside. They know it, that why they offer blankets.

Lastly be cute, style it up with something in style for the season or just add something a bit jazzy to your look (a cute bag, name brand luggage, a stylish jacket...).

HOTEL Lounging

So I am saying hotel lounging but what I really mean is anything you do casually on vacation. If you go on an excursion you may need to dress a specific way (for hiking for example) but if you are just hanging out at the hotel or going on some basic site seeing then you will want to wear something comfortable and probably loose and breezy.


So remember when I said you have a license to be as risque as you want well here is you first opportunity. Show as much skin as you are comfortable with (you may not want pictures for all of it...#ijs), high slits and see through are going to be just as important here as the perfect cover up. It is awkward for some reason (I mean awkward to me and I don't usually like cover ups) to walk around the hotel grounds with just the bathing suit. Even though you can still see everything the cover up just makes it feel like you are actually dressed. So invest in a good cover up.

PARTY life looks

Glam, Sexy, Maxi, Super High Slits...need I say more??

Let us know about your most recent vacation. Where did you go? And what was your favorite thing that you wore?



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