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Busy BUSY busy

Busy Busy Busy. So the holiday season is pretty much over and the new year has definitely begun. School is back in session. People are home from their lovely vacations and well we are all back in the swing of things. Right???

Have you created a plan for yourself for the new year? Have you set any goals or are you a resolution kind of person? The point is do you have an agenda for your life for this year. Most people do NOT. It is quite clear to me that people set one or two goals for the year, set them on the side and get back to therir day to day. This is done with the hope that some magic cloud will come down from the sky and rain their goal right on them. That's funny now that I've said it out loud (as I am proof reading).

The interesting thing is we all know that it's easy to say we want to do something or accomplish something but then Life Happens. I'm sure you've heard that plenty of times before. What does that mean though?

Well it means you got so busy every single day that first a week went by then a month then the year. We get caught up in our routines of waking up, getting ready for the day, going to work, picking up the kids (if you have them), maybe do one social activity (if you have time and friends :-(), getting home, relaxing for a few (for some that is hours), eatting, getting ready for bed and tomorrow repeat. And this is just the average joe with very little additional variables like a husband or wife, being a member of an organization or team or committee, etc. Seems most people get comfortable without much effort.

How did it become so easy to allow basic routine to lead to the excuse of I'm too busy. It's crazy to think goals can only be accomplish if we HAVE time. But isn't it true that most successful people make time? The funny thing about that saying is we all have the same 24 hours in the day. So I ponder what is the difference.

MOTIVATION, DISCIPLINE and a PLAN. It got me to thiking about some of the things that motivate me or likely anyone in love with fashion. I am motivated to stay in shape honestly because I want to look good in my clothes. I eat healthy to make sure staying in shape works (not that fact that I could be eating poison). I want to be wealthy for many reason but one that is very strong is buying a collection of Louis Vouitton bags (ok I didn't mean to name drop, but you get the picture). The point is every thing that makes me want to be better for me somehow comes back to fashion.

I always say fashion is more than just clothes. And believe me it really is. In order to maintain those things (a healthy lifestyle, expensive things, etc) discipline is required. I can not eat icecream only once a day because I love it so much and not expect to see cellulite exponentially. I can not spend money like an idiot and expect to even have enough to start a LV collection. My point here is sometimes NO is very important.

But the most important thing here is there needs to be a plan, a set of goals leading to a major goal. Being TOO BUSY won't get me there. Being focused will. So turn off the tv, wake up a little earlier start setting some goals and start getting things done.

If you are consistant in your endeavor you will be able to have everything you want and believe you deserve without any magic clouds. :-))

Have an Awesome week and a wonderful year.

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