
May 19, 20173 min


Doesn’t matter what era you are from you have either heard or remember when being an entrepreneur was an anomaly. Everyone one went to school, got a job, worked and then retired. Owning or launching a business was shunned by those who failed and those who tried what so and so did and didn’t get “lucky”. But look at us now. It is almost impossible not to at least try to be an entrepreneur. It’s everywhere. Surely you’ve heard “figure out what you are passionate about" or "get a mentor" and "NEVER give up”. If we monitor the cycle of society, much like looks from the 80’s keep coming back, we will likely going back to the era of the working class. This time however society will have weeded out those who were meant to be entrepreneurs and those that weren’t meant to last in that field...very much like biker shorts

were weeded out of the fashion cycle will hopefully never ever be a thing again (Sorry Diana).

Everyone has something they’re strong at, good at and happy to do and sometimes, actually most times that means working for someone else. Not getting rest, not hanging out and making major sacrifices are not meant for everybody. Being such a fan of Gary Vaynerchuk and hearing him give realistic advice to people trying to make it in this world has been very thought provoking as he says the exact same thing. And I quote “the 6th person at Facebook made a boat load of money”.

A few years ago I personally started my own research analysis asking anyone who would answer “What are your goals, where do you see yourself in 5 years, if you could have ANYTHING in this world what would that look like?”. Here is what I found out (it was a HARD lesson for me to grasp): EVERYBODY DOESN’T WANT TO BE RICH.

So what does that mean? Well it means that this entrepreneur thing is probably a fad that has truly helped those that really desire that lifestyle and haven’t imagined any other life for years, decades even. And that maybe just maybe will help those that are not meant to be entrepreneurs to see that they have something Amazing to offer the world and will get behind the entrepreneur to do that.

Listen I have just as much respect for a waiter or custodian as I do for Warren Buffett as long as they do their job from a space of giving and joy. It is a pleasure to see the lady cleaning the bathroom at the airport saying “Hello, Have a Great day” to EVERY single person walking in the door as it is to see the shoe sales person bring out the 20th pair of shoes to the person that clearly can’t decide and may not buy a thing but keeps a smile and helps the customer with every pair.

If you want to be an entrepreneur I hope you are doing 1-3 things a day at minimum toward your goal. If you realize you will be more of an asset in a key role at a company I hope you study your field of expertise and are amazing at it. Be Happy and make everyday a day to be a benefit to whatever situation you are in.


Signing off “Where FASHION Meets Your Choice of a LIFE”